Author name: Rhapsody

Hi, I'm Rhapsody! I've been a teacher for 19 years, working mom for 10 years, and National Board Certified for 12 years. I hold a master's degree in Secondary English Education and am license to teach in two states. I am passionate about helping teachers find work-life balance without sacrificing their success or sanity.

magic hat

More Curriculum than Calendar? How to Focus on the Essentials

The end of the year is so close…YAY! SUMMER BREAK IS ALMOST HERE!…but how in the WORLD am I going to cover ALL THIS CONTENT by then?? Time to pull out that teacher wand and make the magic happen…

More Curriculum than Calendar? How to Focus on the Essentials Read More »

stack of paper

How to Grade Less…and still be a good teacher!

If you’ve been grading ALL THE THINGS forever because “that’s what good teachers do” and you feel your pulse quickening and breath tightening at me even suggesting that you do otherwise, I get that. Let me help you with the mindset shift that is going to make this possible for you.

How to Grade Less…and still be a good teacher! Read More »

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3 Quick & Easy Ways to Get More Planning Time

“Teacher Tired”…if you know, you know. Let’s talk about one of the most common causes of “Teacher Tired”…AND more importantly, SOLUTIONS!

3 Quick & Easy Ways to Get More Planning Time Read More »


Slow Down and Savor: How to Make the Most of your Moments

If you are in one place but always thinking ahead to the next thing, you are never fully present. This breeds anxiety and stress, and will make you feel like you’re missing out or falling behind. And whether or not those feelings match reality, those feelings will still affect you as though they are reality. Make your own time machine: instructions inside.

Slow Down and Savor: How to Make the Most of your Moments Read More »

teacher made pass for students writing with AI

AI: The Hottest Efficiency Tool I will NEVER Recommend

I’m all for efficiency. AI is touted as an ultra-efficient tool. But in your search for the best ways to streamline your life, make sure you don’t sell your soul in the process!

AI: The Hottest Efficiency Tool I will NEVER Recommend Read More »

pink flowers being watered

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

True love inspires self-sacrifice. BUT…
There comes a point where we MUST put on our own oxygen mask first: otherwise we won’t be of any use to the ones who need our help in putting on theirs. Because a cell phone with a dead battery is just an expensive paperweight.

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish Read More »

compartment boxes

How to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm (Step 3): Organize & Compartmentalize

Make efficiency your new best friend so that you can be productive in your work AND actually enjoy your life outside of work. Step 3 is going to move you in the direction of POSSIBLE!

How to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm (Step 3): Organize & Compartmentalize Read More »

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How to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm (Step 2): Edit your Activities

Reducing the stress you feel when you look at your to-do list STARTS with REDUCING the number of tasks you have in the first place. Feel impossible? Read on.

How to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm (Step 2): Edit your Activities Read More »

person mountain climbing

How to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm (Step 1): PRIORITIZE

If you’re feeling like you’ve been trying to dig your way out of a mountain with a teaspoon, this post is for you. The first step to reducing stress and overwhelm is to set your priorities. Let me help you in Part 1 of this multi-part series!

How to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm (Step 1): PRIORITIZE Read More »

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