Personal Reflections

my wrecked car

How Overworking Almost Killed Me

I was assumed dead–but God had other plans for me. The constant sleep deprivation finally caught up with me, and my body just said “NO.” My brain just shut itself down in self defense, ironically creating a life-threatening situation.  

How Overworking Almost Killed Me Read More »

family of four walking at the street

7 tips for Intentional Parenting

When you’re in the survival period of parenting, it can be really tough to be an intentional parent. We all love our kids and want to do the best we can for them. Sometimes (many times) we are exhausted. Here’s a list of some of my personal intentional parenting non-negotiables: the things that I will pay attention to and do ON PURPOSE for my kids, no matter how tired I am. 

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minimalist room

De-Clutter to De-Stress: The Magic of Letting Go

When you feel like your life is out of control…take a look at your STUFF. Physical surroundings can have a profound impact on your emotional and mental state. I’ve found a balance between letting go of the control and having it firmly in hand. I know, that sounds paradoxical and impossible…but here’s how it plays out.

De-Clutter to De-Stress: The Magic of Letting Go Read More »

hands holding gardenia

Lost Your Job? What to Do When Teaching Breaks your Heart

When all the giving and self sacrifice of teaching is met with…nothing…or worse, rejection, the wound can run really deep. Read on for what to do when you’ve been let go: how to take care of yourself, process your emotions in a healthy way, and ultimately, move forward stronger.

Lost Your Job? What to Do When Teaching Breaks your Heart Read More »

single white flower

Be Kind: You don’t know what you don’t know

Is the frustration getting to you? Do you feel like you’re about to explode on the next person who steps on that land mine? A small change in perspective can help you calm down and control your reactions.

Be Kind: You don’t know what you don’t know Read More »

merry christmas sign

Stress Less for the Holidays: How to Use Boundaries to Re-claim your Joy

89% of U.S. adults say they are stressed more than usual during the holiday season. Are you one of them? Want to be less stressed, more balanced, and more present this year? Come along with me!

Stress Less for the Holidays: How to Use Boundaries to Re-claim your Joy Read More »

cheerful teacher giving a high five to students

Don’t Settle for Less: Why High Standards Matter

Setting high standards for students is SO important…but true equity means that not all students must have the bar at the same height!

Don’t Settle for Less: Why High Standards Matter Read More »

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